We used clinical simulation to trial a clinical decision support tool with US oncologists in just 5 months

What was the digital health solution?

A clinical decision support tool that digitizes National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Guidelines and allows the user to navigate guidelines in a stepwise manner to reach a clinical decision. The application has been designed to simplify access and improve adherence to guidelines in the management of patients in oncology.

What were the objectives?

To use clinical simulation to evaluate the usability of the solution and to generate evidence to support product development.

How did we do it?

  • Developed synthetic breast cancer cases with input from a breast surgeon, breast oncologist, radiologist, and pathologist. 
  • Ran virtual simulation sessions with 10 oncologists based across the US.
  • Used screen sharing to observe and record participants completing tasks using the software application.
  • Captured study data remotely, including time taken to complete tasks, quality of decision-making, and product feedback.

We helped a top-10 diagnostics company to define the value proposition for clinical algorithms, map reimbursement pathways, and identify relevant CPT codes.


We helped a global life sciences company develop a thought leadership strategy for digital health.